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Student Attendance

All students are required by state law to attend school every day starting at the age of 6 and concluding no sooner than the end of year in which the student turns 17, unless they have a legal excuse.

Legal Absences

The reasons for student absences from school recognized as legal by the Board of Education are:

  1. Personal illness/hospitalization
  2. Medical/dental appointments that cannot be scheduled outside school hours
  3. Death in the family
  4. Religious observation
  5. Legal obligations (e.g. required court appearances)
  6. Authorized school activities (e.g. field trips, music performances, etc.)
  7. College visits
  8. Other reasons as approved by the principal and consistent with the intent of the policy

Any other absence is considered illegal. It is the parent's/guardian's responsibility to notify the school office on the morning of an absence  by calling or emailing during the first hour school is in session.

On the day of return from an absence, it is essential that parents/guardians provide a written excuse for each absence. Such excuses should be signed by the parent/guardian and contain the date and reason for the absence. Students who have been absent from school due to illness should not participate in after-school social or athletic activities on the day(s) of illness.

All work missed due to absence must be completed to the satisfaction of the teacher. it is the student's responsibility to find out what was missed during the absence and arrange for the completion of this work with the teacher.

CCCSD recognizes the importance of vacations to families and thus provides several recesses throughout the school year to accommodate this need. However, when students are absent from school due to extended family vacations, important instruction time is lost and may be difficult to make up. Therefore, the district discourages vacations which would cause children to be absent from school. Take time to plan vacations with your child's academic development in mind.

CES Attendance Contact

Ann Coffey
Attendance Clerk

Phone: (585) 293-2022 ext. 7520
Email: CES Attendance