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Churchville-Chili Central School District’s mission is to challenge all students to strive for excellence while developing their unique talents and becoming respectful, resourceful citizens and contributing members of an interconnected global society.

In order to achieve this mission, a rigorous, guaranteed and viable curriculum is necessary. In every curriculum writing process, we are guided by NYS standards, as well as research and use of "best practice" in curriculum design and instruction.  

Teachers are an integral part of this process and work diligently to make sure the curriculum is learner-centered and is accessible for every student.  We are committed to continuous improvement and look forward to working with families to ensure their child's success.

For specific information on our elementary (K-4) curriculum or further details on district curriculum/assessments, please see the links below.

Early Learning UPK & K

Curriculum K-4

District Curriculum & Assessments